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Monday, February 18, 2013

Feb 2013!

Feb has been quite a roller coaster.

School is back and the boys have settled in nicely.

Tas and I have begun our new lifestyle, eating well and looking after ourselves..
His trainer didn't weigh him, and they are going off measurements only. I can tell her has lost some weight. Each morning he has been getting up at 5.30am to go to the gym before work.
My weight began at: 112kg
My current weight is: 105.6 kg
I was extremely happy with that when I saw that! Wasn't expecting 6.4 kg loss! Motivation to keep going!
I want to get my hands on a Nike+FuelBand, but they can't be bought in Aus just yet! :(
Great pedometer which syncs with your phone.

Yesterday was a scary day! There was a grass fire that started in Donnybrook, Vic and made it's way down through Wollert and into Epping. Some of Epping was evacuated, and the danger zone as I've pictured below was the danger zone. Our factory, our livelihood was within this zone. I was frightened Modern Marble wasn't going to be there today. But thanks to the CFA and their fantastic efforts, they contained the blaze. 1 house was burnt down, and several sheds. That section of Epping is all industrial, but many homes behind it in a new estate of Epping North & Wollert were all evacuated and in serious danger.
Make sure you have all of CFA's details to be able to keep up to date with all necessary details:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 2013

Jan is a big month for us. My sister and brother in law's birthday and then on the 24th is my husbands and then on the 25th is MINE! 31! Time is just flying by, and I'm getting older.. :( Not Happy about that.

Tas and I have both began a new way of life! - Tas has begun using a personal trainer and he is training every morning at 5.30-6.30am! We have completely changed the way we are eating and so far, so good.

We are also planning to register in Herald Sun/ Citylink Run for Kids. We've never done anything like this before. We will register for the 5.5km course and we will join white zone (which is for beginners and walkers). I'm excited but a little frightened also....

I'm so glad school is going back tomorrow.. I've loved having the boys home, but Adrianna is so out of routine. She's been off tap the last couple of weeks.... Can't believe my boys are grade 4 and 2! Wahhh stop growing up!!!

There is always news with Modern Marble & Granite. We are currently resetting up our factory to fit in all the machinery, offices, and toilets. Can't wait till it's done. It'll look awesome, once it's complete but for now it's a messy job site!

That's Jan in a nut shell ......

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year! 
We started our new year celebrating with friends and family, who came over for new year and 
also for Billy's name day (Jan 1st). 

2013 is going to be the beginning of a new way of life. 
We have some goals we are setting and are determined to happen. 


* Weight Loss (Tas and I)
* Stop Smoking (Tas)
* More Quality Couple Time
* More Quality Family Time
* Happy & Healthy Family Overall! 

Jorge had his follow up appointment today with his ENT (Simon Purser). He had  a hearing
 test done and he his hearing is in the right range where it should be. That was something I was 
very happy to hear. 

We plan to go to QLD this March, we're taking the boys finally who have been asking to go to the theme parks for a couple of years now. Finally we've told them, we will go. Adrianna will stay here with mum and Tas's mum. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

November... What?!?! Really??

What it's November? Really?? How the hell is it almost December?? How is it almost 2013?? WTF??

End of the year is always really hectic! This year has been a whirlwind...

October 14th 2012 - Billy turned 9! He's such a little man I can't believe it.. I took a bunch of his friends to Luna Park for a fun day. I also made my first attempt at decorating a cake for him. I made a jersey shape and covered it with yellow butter cream icing, cause that is the colour of his soccer club.


October 26th 2012 - Jorge had his operation to add his grommets and removal his agnoids. All went well. Was a very emotional day though.. I'm so thankful my husband was there too. I couldn't have done it alone.. Tas went into the operating theatre with him, and was with him until he was put to sleep. I would have cried hysterically I think, so it would have just upset him.


November 2nd 2012 - Jorgie turned 7! I didn't organise him a party for his birthday because I wasn't sure if he'd be OK after his operation. I wasn't sure how long he'd need to recover from surgery.
I made him a cake too.. Rectangle cake, with blue butter cream icing and yellow butter cream icing saying Toy Story. (it's his newest obsession)... again....

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Oh Jorgie Porgie!

My 2nd son Jorge has always struggled with his schooling since he began in 2011. At first I was told half way through grade prep that he may need a second year of prep to catch up as he was very behind in his literacy skills. I worked with him, and he really did well and caught up with the rest of his peers. I was so impressed and happy with him.

Grade 1 (FEB), I'm told he is having issues with his concentration and he is a day dreamer and needs pushing as he was slipping back behind everyone again. 

Grade 1 (MAY), After speaking with his teacher she tells me he is WAY behind with his numeracy skills and it's really effecting his education. He can't keep up, and his concentration is at 0. 

This was heartbreaking, no parent wants to hear their child isn't close to perfect. We began a mission of catching him up again, and we are trying hard every night to do something mathematical. 
His literacy although isn't great, he is at a level where he is ok. So I haven't focused too much there, other than his nightly reader.

I decide to take Jorge to see our family GP, he checks his ears and says his opinion is that Jorge has "Glue Ears" so refers us to see a specialist. His hearing isn't where it should be which EXPLAINS A HELL OF A LOT!

Tas, Jorge and myself go to see Simon Purser who is a specialist of the ears. He tells us Jorge's ears definitely don't look normal so they give him a hearing test. It shows he is hearing at a 10 decibels less than he should be. 

So at this point, we are trying to avoid having to go through the route of surgery. He has to have demazin/dimetapp twice a day (one week on, one week off), I had to buy an OTOVENT for him to try to clear his nasal passages. He is also off diary (as it adds more mucus). We have another appointment 
on the 26th September, to see whether the Eustachian tube has cleared up or not. FINGERS CROSSED!!

This is the what OTOVENT does, and lets hope that surgery isn't going to be necessary. 

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Camp! What! Already!

Well Billy is about to turn 9 and yesterday (August 8th) he went on his first school camp! What The?? Camp???!?! How did he get old enough? Where have all the years gone? I can't believe it..
He was so excited about going, and I really hope he is having the best time.. I'm sure I will har all about  it tomorrow when I pick him up from school.... I've missed him heaps but by no means was I willing to let him miss out on this experience.

He  is shown in these photos so happy to be going. He had a grin from ear to ear the whole morning...

Tas made time to leave from work to see him off also, which was great. I wasn't sure whether he'd make it but was very happy he did. Billy was too.

We stuck around and waved him off right until the bus pulled away...
He is very missed around the house, though I can't say I'm missing the soccer training and karate training this week...

Laters, baby.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey Books!

I was shown these links to a hilarious review of these books.. The reviews are a must read!

Fifty Shades Of Grey

Fifty Shades Darker

Fifty Shades Freed

I think Katrina Lumsden is going to be on my favourites list... haha